The building and construction industry in Western Australia will receive a $14.3 million boost to support the development of a safe, skilled and sustainable workforce under the Construction Training Fund announced in the 2022-23 WA state budget. The funding is broken down into five separate initiatives:


Apprentice Tool Rebate

The WA state government has allocated $4.5 million to an Apprentice Tool Rebate to financially support those starting a career in the construction industry. This rebate will allow eligible apprentices to claim up to $500 each on the purchase of safety equipment and trade-related tools which have been purchased between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.

Wage Gap Subsidy

A $5.1 million wage gap subsidy has been introduced for the civil construction sector to cover the difference in wages paid between the new apprentice and outgoing traineeship. The subsidy will run over the next four years, helping to build a steady stream of junior and mature age-qualified apprentices in civil construction. 

Drivers Licence Training

To assist apprentices to become mobile and travel to worksites, the WA state government will invest $1.3 million toward driver’s licence training. This will help to remove a known barrier for potential apprentices seeking employment in the construction and trades sector. 

Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant

$1.6 million has been allocated to support the construction workforce in disaster-affected areas impacted by the Wooroloo bushfires and Cyclone Seroja. The incentive will allow employers to claim an additional $6,000 over the next two years and apprentices up to $2,000 to help rebuild these communities.  

Promotion of Trades

An additional $1.9 million will be used to address the falling number of workers starting in the industry. Funds will be used to promote training in the trades, apprentice mentoring programs, advertising, and the creation of an online resource for target employers.


For more information on the Construction Training Fund initiatives, please visit https://ctf.wa.gov.au

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