National Tradies Health Month


You have probably already heard that the month of August is National Tradies Health Month, now I know it’s nearly over but the statistics really got to me. Between 2001 and 2015, 3000 construction workers were lost to suicide… that stat is insanely high!


It really got me thinking, what can we do to help improve the health and well being of our tradies?


Tradies by nature are a practical bunch, we like working with our hands, that’s our strength, we’re good at it. But, sometimes the business side of things doesn’t come so naturally. Paperwork is no tradies friend. From timesheets to receipts, you can quickly drown in a sea of paperwork and become disorganised, which ultimately leads to stress and financial pressures.


Technology is really becoming ingrained in the tradie way of life and it’s something that I’m passionate about helping tradies embrace. We all have the tools available to us, mobile phones, iPads, tablets, we just need to know how to use them to help make our business life better. Because you know what? Technology is designed to make your life easier! Simple. I’ve witnessed first hand how mobile devices and software have helped so many tradies gain better control and visibility over their businesses. And you know what this results in? LESS STRESS!!


Getting your admin work done while on site means when you get home you can actually spend time with your mates, your wife, your kids. You can go out to dinner or a movie and enjoy life. It’s all about getting that work life balance back in order. Imagine actually being able to go away on holidays and not having to worry about your business! That’s what mobile devices and cloud based software can do for you. You could be on the other side of the world and still have the ability to check in and monitor how your business is going back home because you’re dealing with real time data. It is seriously life changing, for your business and for your own peace of mind.


Because you know what? When it comes down to it, YOU are your company’s best asset and you’ve gotta take care of yourself!


If you, or someone you know needs help please talk to a mate or speak with one of the following companies who are available 24/7 to take your call.


Lifeline – – 13 11 44

Mates In Construction – – 1300 642 111

Beyond Blue – – 1300 224636

RUok –


If you need help getting your trade business in order and would like to talk about how technology could help you, please call TradiePad 1300 651 900 or contact us via our website

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