Did you know that digital versions of your trade licences and credentials are now available from the NSW government via the Service NSW app? With tradies required to carry up to 15 plastic licence cards on the job, the new digital versions aim to make your life easier (and your wallet lighter!) Digital licences are now accepted at all worksites in place of the physical card so it’s time to jump onboard.

Digital licences provide a quick and easy way to stay on top of your licence expiries and stay certified. Did we mention that they update in real time? Yep, so you won’t have to wait for a new plastic card to arrive when you renew or if you change your details. You will still receive the old plastic version but going digital will mean you won’t need to carry those around with you anymore.

Currently, there are five trade licences and credentials available as digital versions, with more planned to follow soon.



The digital version of the NSW high risk work licence is now available in the Service NSW My Account and Service NSW app. This digital licence is a free, optional alternative to a physical card, making it easier than ever to stay on top of licence expiries, check credentials and ensure tradespeople remain certified for the work they do.

A high risk work licence is required to operate some machinery, erect scaffolding or undertake dogging or rigging work.
High risk work licences are valid for five years and recognised nationally.  



A white card (or general construction induction training card) is required by anyone who wants to carry out construction work, such as tradespeople and labourers, site managers or other people who work in construction areas.


Builders and tradespeople in NSW need to hold an individual contractor licence to do building work where the total cost of labour and materials is more than $5,000.


A qualified supervisor certificate allows someone to supervise and do the work described on their certificate.


A tradesperson certificate allows someone to do plumbing, draining and gasfitting work with minimum supervision. People who hold a tradesperson certificate can’t sign off on work.
Their work must be overseen and signed off by someone who holds a contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate.


Download the Service NSW app to get your digital trade licence

iOS  or Android

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