Melbourne stage 4 restrictions


From the 2nd of August, the state of Victoria entered various stages of lockdown as the COVID-19 outbreak continued to spread at an alarming rate. The state of the emergency announcement means many different restrictions for both personal and business activity across the state for at least the next six weeks. Face masks are now compulsory to wear across the state, TAFE and schools will return to remote learning, curfews and restrictions of movement are in place and many businesses will be forced to close completely.

Here we have tried to collate all the details you will need to know for your trade business and what measures you will need to put into place to remain COVID safe.



  • Stage 4 restrictions are in place from 6 pm on Sunday 2 August for metropolitan Melbourne
  • Stage 3 restrictions will be in place from 11:59 pm on Wednesday 5 August for Regional Victoria, including Mitchell Shire
  • Everyone must wear a mask when they leave home unless an exception applies. This is enforceable across regional Victoria from 11:59 pm on Sunday 2 August. Fines of $200 will apply for people caught not wearing a mask who do not have a lawful excuse.


Permitted Work Premises are ancillary and support businesses are able to open on-site to ensure the necessary repair, maintenance, cleaning or sale of equipment, goods or services required for the operations of a Permitted Work Premises, or for Closed Work Premises where there are safety or environmental obligations. The business cannot operate on-site for any other purpose.

From 11:59pm Wednesday 5 August, all permitted workers will be required to show a workers permit, signed by their employee when requested by police to prove they are legitimately allowed out of home isolation. Permits must be carried by employees when they travel to or from work including during the 8:00 pm to 5:00 am stage 4 curfew hours. Workers permits will be available to download from the Justice VIC website, fines will apply for anyone travelling without one.

All open businesses and services will have until 11:59 pm Friday 7 August to enact a High-risk COVIDSafe plan. Directions on how to create a COVID safe plan for your business can be found on the Business VIC website. Further information on safe work practices and PPE requirements can be found on the Work Safe Victoria website.


Open (for on-site work) – COVID Safe Plan

  • Urgent / emergency residential repair and maintenance
  • Essential maintenance for safety and upkeep of public and recreational spaces, such as parks, gardens, golf courses
  • Automotive, machinery and equipment repair and maintenance are permitted to operate where providing support to a permitted service or industry or where required to maintain the health and safety of Victorians at home or at work

Restricted Operations or Industry-specific obligations 

  • Worksites that are in the closed category, can continue to provide access for the purposes of critical maintenance and safety works including meeting environmental obligations, subject to meeting the minimum requirements
  • All industries are required to meet Universal COVID Safe Plan obligations for the prevention and management of COVID-19, including the development of COVIDSafe Plans


Open (for on-site work) – High-Risk COVID Safe Plan

  • Electricity services
  • Operation of energy systems
  • Gas services
  • Water supply, sewerage and drainage services
  • Waste and resource recovery services including collection, treatment and disposal services and transfer stations to remain open for commercial contractors
  • Liquid fuels and refinery services
  • Services to support ongoing provision and regulation of electricity, gas, water, sewage and waste and recycling services and their maintenance.



Open (for on-site work) – High-Risk COVID Safe Plan

  • Building and nonbuilding construction (including residential)
  • Construction of critical and essential infrastructure and services to support these projects, and other construction in line with restrictions
  • Critical repairs to any premises are allowed, where required for emergency or safety

Restricted Operations or Industry-specific obligations 

Large scale construction

    • Any building construction project of more than three storeys (excluding basement)
    • Maximum of 25 per cent of normal employees on-site compared to normal operations.
    • Must have High-Risk COVID Safe Plan.
    • No blending shifts
    • Workers can only work at one site during Stage 4 (Any employee working at more than one site must keep a log book the places visited including date, time and place of attendance.)

Small scale construction

    • Any building construction project of three storeys or less (excluding basement)
    • Maximum of five workers onsite (including supervisors)
    • Must have High-Risk COVID Safe Plan.
    • No blending shifts
    • Workers can only work at three sites per week during Stage 4  (Any employee working at more than one site must keep a logbook the places visited including date, time and place of attendance.)


State and state civil construction (including time-critical new school builds) are exempt from reduction targets but will be required to implement High-Risk COVID Safe Plan. More details and a template are available on the Business Victoria website and the Construction Sector guidance page.


Open (for on-site work) – High-Risk COVID Safe Plan

  • Locksmiths


Open (for on-site work) – High-Risk COVID Safe Plan

  • Building and grounds maintenance, cleaning, pest control and packaging services are permitted to operate where providing support to an essential industry or where required to maintain the health and safety of Victorians at home or at work.


Open (for on-site work) – High-Risk COVID Safe Plan

  • Residential repair and maintenance by exception 
  • Essential maintenance for safety and upkeep of public and recreational spaces, such as parks, gardens, golf courses

Hardware, building and garden supplies will remain open retailing for trade only on a “click and collect” basis or via contactless delivery. All other industries where onsite operations have been told to cease will need to close by 11.59 pm on Wednesday 5th August for six weeks.

The new changes will be enforceable by law and employers will be responsible for ensuring they provide a COVID safe environment for their workers. If you or any of your employees show COVID-19 symptoms it is important to get tested asap, return home immediately and self isolate until you receive the all-clear on your test results. Victorian workers may be eligible for the $300 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Test Isolation Payment which provides financial support to self-isolate while you wait for the test results.

If you test positive for COVID-19 or are a close contact of a confirmed case, you may be eligible for the $1500 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Worker Support Payment that provides financial support while you are quarantining at home as instructed by the Department of Health and Human Services. If you fail to self-isolate fines of up to $20,000 will apply. Constant random door knocks will be performed by police to ensure compliance.

Employers must notify WorkSafe immediately on 13 23 60 if an employee or contractor has tested positive to COVID-19 and has attended the workplace during the infectious period (14 days prior to symptoms showing). This also applies to self-employed trades. Please be aware that substantial fines apply if you do not notify WorkSafe asap.

The Business Support Fund has also been expanded to assist businesses that have to completely close or suffer great financial loses as a result of level 3 and 4 restrictions. Grant amounts range from $5,000 to $10,000 depending on your location and circumstances.


The Business Victoria website and hotline provide information on restrictions and support to help your workplace plan and respond to coronavirus (COVID-19).

Call Business Victoria on 13 22 15


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